We augment the reality by using modern solutions in the design of electrical installations. With BIM, the design is created as a 3D model, enabling efficient coordination and making modifications as needed and helping to avoid expensive collisions. BIM requires an innovative approach to designing, offering incredible possibilities at the same time.
We specialize in BIM designs of electrical installations in the construction of: hospitals, commercial and service facilities, housing, office, public utility and industrial spaces. The projects includes: guaranteed power supply (UPS, aggregates), main and back-up lighting, electric sockets, lightning arrester installations.
Teletechnical installations are used for data transfer purposes and the protection of buildings. Contrary to the electrical installations, they work on lower voltage. Based on our experience in electrical and teletechnical designs, we have developed an efficient process for performing the projects on the basis of the construction stages which can overlap or happen simultaneously. As a result, the Client receives a comprehensive post-construction documentation.
We offer a wide range of thorough solutions in the fields of power and electric power. We design overhead and cable lines of high, medium and low voltage, transformer stations, renewable energy sources and street lighting. We conduct technical audits of electric power infrastructures. We provide additional services of technical consultancy, including the preparation of technical opinions and expert reports.
We are working on an extensive training for electrical engineering students as well as professionals dealing with electric power devices. We are developing a simulator complete with a set of exercises to be performed using Virtual and Augmented Reality models. Together with psychology experts we are working on exercises aimed at improving mental resilience which will be implemented in our proprietary VR application.
Every day, we care about the better future for our Clients. We are looking for new paths, solutions and connections, which often proves to be challenging. This is why we have created our own Research and Development Department. It is here that our three dimensional models, product prototypes and mobile applications driven by our passion for the Virtual and Augmented Reality are created. We combine the real world with 3D graphics and additionally work on innovative research projects with experts in the fields of psychology and electric power.
At the Pradma design studio, we focus on the best solutions and keep improving our skills. We implement new technologies, because we believe that changes are the driving force of progress. We work in the BIM environment whose applicability in the investment development cycle keeps increasing.
We can even say that it is becoming a systemic solution with its wide range of supplementary platforms accumulating the data in the cloud, which allows for fast and efficient inter-branch coordination, as never seen before.
We build our own applications using the Augmented and Virtual Reality. We make three dimensional, interactive models of products, devices or spaces which have not yet been built physically.
The VR and AR technologies allow us to see details of both the inside and outside of a model, in true scale and providing rich spatial experiences, a powerful feedback loop and the possibility to navigate and interact with the virtual world.
The concept of the corporate social responsibility is particularly close to us. From eco-design in construction, to renewable energy sources, to sharing our knowledge and developing product prototypes which can support the local community.
During the coronavirus pandemic, we used our 3D printers and the creativity of our designers to work on some pro-bono projects for the health care professionals. At that difficult time, our entire team was involved in the production and distribution of the face shields!
BIM is a modern and excellent design system enabling the communication between architects, engineers and constructors. By using its capabilities when working on multi-branch projects, we have developed an optimum execution process to deliver our services on time, efficiently and to the benefit of the investors.
Check the project stages enabling seamless performance and inter-branch communication.
We specialize in efficient planning and organization of work. After estimating the time required to perform the project, we stick to the dates as planned.
We deliver projects of top quality in the shortest possible timeframe. We help our Clients achieve their business goals and reduce costs.
Our experience in the execution of extensive multi-branch projects helps us recommend proven solutions and reduce the investment costs.
We are aiming to form long-standing business relations based on mutual trust, communication and understanding of our Clients’ needs.
We have built a stable team of engineers and work in an efficient and flexible way, always looking to solve any issues together.
We are optimizing our processes by prioritizing efficient use of resources, the environment and the social competences.
What can you gain by ordering a BIM design of an electrical installation from us? The main benefits of using parametric information modeling with regard to construction buildings for the electric power industry are: acceleration of work, confidence in the effectiveness of the solutions applied, comprehensive multi-branch support, efficient communication, reduction of the investment costs.
Intelligent, multi-branch 3D models in the BIM system complete with a full set of back-up tools optimizing the design process to the benefit of architects, investors and constructors are the future towards which we keep moving by continuously improving our skills.
We are ready for new challenges!